Florida GOP

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Trump's GOP Attacks Florida

How would this budget directly affect Floridians?
The budget looks to cut the EPAs Superfund programs and funding to global warming research. These cuts should be worrisome to Floridians as 
Florida is home to two cities of 20 major cities in the world (yes, the world) who are most vulnerable to rising sea levels. $670 million in FEMA cuts put us in danger during our unpredictable hurricane seasons.
Many counties in Florida will also be hard hit by the cuts to health care. It cuts taxes for the very wealthy while leaving the poor, sick, and disabled out in the cold. It doubles down on cruel cuts to Medicaid – despite promising not to touch it. 
In Pinellas County 40% of our children depend on Medicaid and CHIP for their care.

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