Florida GOP

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Florida Dem Nikki Barnes At GOP Rick Baker's Election Party In St. Pete

Democratic National Committee Member Nikki Barnes at the Florida Democratic Party hangs with Florida GOP Rick Baker.
 "Why in God's name is an elected Democratic National Committee member from Florida celebrating election night with the Republican candidate for St. Pete Mayor?? Nikki Barnes needs to resign immediately, go far away from the FDP and take her buddy, Leslie Wimes, with her. This is beyond outrageous!" Bryan Farris
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 "Progressives have to take back this broken Party." 
Scott Shoup


  1. You rang & We're here!!!!

  2. And you wonder why the Fl. Democratic party is in such bad shape?

  3. That woman should be fired!

  4. Amazing Welcome to the one party America.

  5. Stogie thanks for this. The problem is not only the party but also the mind set of the Dem voters. Reading some of the comments on Mr. Farris post this is ok with them.


  6. It didn't help:


  7. Sean, Clearwater7:59 PM, August 30, 2017

    How does the Democratic party allow this. Why isn't someone higher up saying something. I Google it and there nothing there. Dem voters see this and wonder why bother. Put a nail in this party.
