Florida GOP

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Stogie: Watching The Right Wing Since 2003

Comments about Heather Hayer from our local hate group 
"The Daily Stormer"

"Heather Heyer: Woman Killed in Road Rage Incident was a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut."
"She was Fat and a Drain on Society
Childless women are black hole vortexes of public money and energy."
"Had she not died yesterday, hundreds of thousands of dollars would have been spent on propping-up this gross creature who had failed to do her most basic duty – her only real duty, in fact – and reproduce."
"Having no children at that age, it can be assumed that she had multiple abortions, and was thus herself a child murderer."
"Whatever you think of the driver, it is clear that his actions saved us a lot of money. The costs of the food alone to sustain a woman of this size for another 49 years would be astronomical."
Lots more. We will not link to them. 
If you really want to read this shit, please find it yourself. Remember you are giving their website traffic if you do.
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Watching The Right Wing Since 3.19.03

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