Florida GOP

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Florida's 2 Democratic Parties

Susan Smith vs Leslie Wimes
The difference between a great Democrat like Susan Smith and Leslie Wimes is that Susan Smith dedicates her time and her money to numerous Democratic and liberal causes she believes in. 

There is no doubt that all of Susan Smith’s actions are geared toward making the Florida Democratic Party successful in a way that aligns with her vision for the party.

 Ms. Wimes has no such record. There has not been a single instance where Ms. Wimes has supported a Democratic nominee or institution in Florida except against other Democrats. I am not saying her record on such matters is light. It is literally nonexistent. Florida Politics

1 comment:

  1. Wimes helped elect Trump by attacking Clinton. In a small way her voice, amplified by Republican Fox News and her Republican web site, helped suppress the black vote and diminish black political power. And no, she is not part of the Democratic party
