Florida GOP

Monday, September 18, 2017

Local Badass Dayna Lazarus

One of our greatest committed young activist told right wing candidate for governor Gwen Graham what most of us are thinking.
"So basically I told gubernatorial candidate and FL Democratic Party keynote speaker at tonight's fundraiser Gwen Graham that she's not progressive enough, that her speech was uninspiring, and that I'm worried that she's going to hand-deliver Florida another Republican Governor." here

1 comment:

  1. Yessss Dayna! This is an activists I have always looked up to and admired for her compassion at work! I celebrate your work and love you Dayna!

    Julio - While I appreciate your post and recognition of women who are local badasses (many if not all of the women recognized are personal friends of mine)... I still wonder why all your muses are white? I've yet to see any woman of color, specifically black, indigenous or Muslim represented in any of the work you do.

    I'm just curious why that is?

    I'd like to hear your thoughts!
