Florida GOP

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Tampa Treasure Mario Núñez Needs Our Help

Preservation of our History is that important! Timely and very critical... City Council needs to hear from you. 5:00 PM Thursday September 28th. Sign up to speak. Demand that our funding be restored to the city's budget. We need your voice now!

1 comment:

  1. Mario Nunez, you are welcome. Funding?
    So, some of us with passion make productions happen, with out any one's money but our own, and through the use of tons of free apps online. Others, actually produce material that interest businesses and entrepreneurs, and those two entities either privately fund them or directly buy advertising.
    If the market is there, your product or service will be purchased.
    Government is not the solution, as you are experiencing right now. To think, the fate of your body of work on this show is now dependent on government. Wow....
