Florida GOP

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

January 5, 1999
Was the last time a Democrat sat in the governors office. The great Buddy McKay. Since then:

January 5, 1999
Florida GOP Jeb Bush
DEM OPPORTENT? -  Buddy MacKay
 November 7, 2006
Florida GOP Charlie Crist
We could of had Rod Smith
January 4, 2011
Florida GOP Rick Scott
January 8, 2014
Florida GOP Rick Scott
ExGOP OPPORTENT? - Charlie Crist
We could of had Nan Rich. Please note:  As of early June 2014, Scott had spent almost $13m since March on television adverts attacking Charlie Crist,  Although the ads resulted in a tightening of the race, this came about by decreasing Crist's favorability ratings. By contrast, Scott's favorability ratings did not increase. Scott should of been beaten. The Dems had a inferior candidate, with Nan Rich they probably would of won.

2018 DEM OPPORTENT  Gwen Graham?
Check out our choice for governor
in Seminole Heights Andrew Gillum here

Also note: On list, 3 corporate Dems and 1 ex GOP. You have tried it their way for a very long time, and look where you are. If you are tired of loosing then you have to reclaim the party. Bernie started it, you must finish it.

There are alot of groups out there that say they are progressive. But if you want to take the party back from corporate power The Susan Smith wing of the party is the place to start. With Susan Smith leading the way and talented committed progressives surrounding her.

Florida Pro-Dems, this is your time! 
The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay 



  1. Bernie proved you don't need corporate money. If the DNC can just stay out of the way.

  2. The powers that be in Florida would never nominate someone like Mr Gillum. Look for Graham to be the nominee and another loss.
