Florida GOP

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Same Old Shit Democratic Party

Officials loyal to Keith Ellison
Four long-serving DNC officials who had backed Ellison’s bid to be DNC chair were removed from their positions. Ray Buckley, James Zogby, and Barbra Casbar Siperstein were bounced from the executive committee, and Buckley was also taken off the rules committee, on which he served as well. Alice Germond lost her at-large appointment.
To be replaced by: 
Harold Ickes, a lobbyist for a nuclear energy company; Manny Ortiz, a lobbyist for Citigroup; Joanne Dowdell, a lobbyist for News Corporation, the parent company of Fox News; and Jaime Harrison, a former lobbyist for coal companies, big banks, and tobacco companies."
This has been in the works for a very long time. With local party officials, especially here in Florida looking away or pretending like nothing is wrong, they know they can get away with it. There is no difference in the parties any more. It is only an illusion, to make us think that we actually have a choice, we don't. The pigs all eat at the same trough. Change will not come from the top, it will come from the bottom. 

There is hope. The newly formed Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay has strong progressive leadership and are committed in taking the party in the right direction. The same can be said about The Tampa Democratic Socialists Of America. The rest are just social clubs, They have their meetings once a month and pretend they are making a differance, they're not. They are status quo and are the reason we are here.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, it is with great disgust and dismay that I say that I believe what is being said here in this post about the Democratic party. It seems that most politicians, at this time in history, are either cowards or corrupt....both republican and democrat alike. If anything is going to change, it will need to come from the bottom up...and the time to organize and take a stand is NOW! If you care about the dismantling of this country, and the flagrant acceptance of lies coming from those from whom you expect the truth, then you need to wake up, rise up, and ACT!! This is no time to sit idly by and wish things were different, sit in denial that it's not happening, or think someone else will do it for you. You are the answer, I am the answer, WE are the answer...NOW!
