Florida GOP

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Florida Corporate Democrats Running Scared

It seems the left has the corporate overlords of the Florida Democratic Party running scared. With progressives winning a special state senate election, an important mayor's race, passing progressive resolutions and rewriting policies on consultant contracts. 
They have pushed Stephen Bittel
(Which the FDP should of taken care of a long time ago)
and Sally Boynton Brown out.
They are already on the move. This from 
Ty Javellana, Statewide Organizer at 
Gwen Graham for FL

"(Corporate Dem) Alma Gonzalez Dnc Florida is whispered to be a prospective candidate for the Florida Democratic Party Chairmanship. If she chooses to toss her hat in the ring, we wish her good luck. Alma would be a great Chair of the FDP. She would have my support." 
Her cover photo on Facebook was one of her and Ms. Graham (Not the one above)which she has changed and apparently deleted.
Update 11.21

Hillsborough’s Alma Gonzalez to run for FDP Chair

"We have been given a voice within the party for the first time in my nearly 12 years of involvement. If that voice is again marginalized, and if Sally leaves, I'm not sure I will continue in my role with the caucus." Susan Smith

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Cheer up comrades, change is in the air. Let them and their followers (Locally you know who you are) continue their losing ways, In the end, we will prevail. 
Update: One so called progressive and two corporate Hillsbough County Dems are working for a Trump supporter for mayor of Tampa.

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