Florida GOP

Friday, November 3, 2017

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Erik Fresen

Erik Fresen is finally going to jail. He shouldn’t have never been allowed anywhere near our tax dollars — especially ones for the state’s public schools. He was what you might call an interested party in the constant battle for public dollars that traditional public schools fight with privately run charter schools.
Fresen was a lobbyist for Academica, a charter school management company that operates more than 100 schools, most of them in Florida. And he was also a $150,000-a-year land consultant for Civica, the architectural company that builds charter schools for Academica. Fresen’s brother-in-law is the founder of Academica.
So it’s little wonder that in Florida’s Republican-controlled Legislature, Fresen would take on a starring role as the architect of legislation that shifted tax dollars to privately run charters at the expense of public schools. here

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