Florida GOP

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Gwen Graham's Keystone Pipeline Vote

The Keystone Pipeline
Gallons of oil on the ground in 
Marshall County, South Dakota
FOR gutting Dodd Frank.
FOR a classic ultra-right wing initiative to require cost/benefit analysis of every regulatory change (which even the Republican controlled FL legislature has repeatedly vetoed), 
FOR a ridiculous change to the ACA which does nothing more than punish working families while simultaneously putting more money into the pockets of WalMart. And this is only her FIRST WEEK in Congress." 
Source Tampa Bay Times here
Tired of losing. Tired of voting for Democrats beholden to Wall Street. Following groups that support these Dems? You are not alone. A recent poll shows that most Democratic voters want the party to move lleft.

The party would be best served in embracing its more liberal wing rather than appealing to an
 ever-dwindling group of centrists.


1 comment:

  1. This is Gwen's Truth! These are votes that she needs to own because they are hers. She wasn't coerced to vote this way, this is how she felt truly represented her constituents. I wouldn't have wanted my representative to vote this way. How can I trust that she will do what's best for Florida and not Wall Street if she is Governor? Let's change the narrative, let's elect a Progressive Dem whose track record validates their Progressive values, which Gwen's does not.
