Florida GOP

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Guido Needs To Come Clean

There has been a lot of talk and shock in the local progressive community about Giudo's decision to co-chair a Trump supporter's event. Guido has said that this in no way means he is endorsing him. That he only did it as a favor to Straz for helping him in his campaign. But isn't this what we are all against. The wealthy pouring money into campaigns expecting favors later.
We at this blog have always been very good to Guido, we like his platform and his voting record. but this is unacceptable. He needs to stop listening to the whispers in his ears and be himself.
He has been invited to The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay March meeting to talk about this and has accepted. We can't wait to hear what he has to say. 
Local blogger Jim Bleyer has written about this

several times

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