Florida GOP

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Our Case For Andrew Gillum

Tallahassee mayor and Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has all the ingredients of a winner: a visionary platform, name recognition, a new savvy finance chairman, and charisma. Oh, and he is African-American.
Gillum electrifies the demographic that is vital to Democrats, especially in off-year elections.
None of Gillum’s opponents in the Democratic primary would be able to come within light years of what he is capable of achieving in a general election.
Gwen Graham and Phillip Levine are old guard and come nowhere near the definition of progressive. Graham, for example, voted for fracking as a Congresswoman; Levine, as mayor of Miami Beach, praised Donald Trump. Both are attempting to reinvent themselves as left leaning to score in the Democratic primary. more

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