Florida GOP

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Susan Smith's Reponse To New FDP Chair

As someone who's been involved in the Democratic Party off and on since 1970, and completely on since 2004, I know how disappointment feels. But I also recognize an opportunity when I see one. There are tremendous challenges ahead, but the potential to build the progressive movement in Florida has never been greater. This group, led by Stacey Patel, along with the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida and many other progressive Democrats around the state are not backing down. I have no doubt that consultant class Democrats are nervous today, not only by the support Stacey received, but by the type of campaign she ran. You did that 
and you can be proud.
Also, it could have been much worse in this election. Terrie Rizzo is a grassroots organizer who has boundless energy. She is not interested in self-promotion or personal power. She has a big job ahead of her. But remember that she will have the status-quo consultants whispering in her ear every hour of every day. We must be the counter to that. We must challenge everyone in the party to continue the policies that have been enacted since last spring. We must demand open party communications, transparency, rules change, and support for local DECs, clubs and caucuses. We must remind them at every turn that we will not go backwards.
Thank you to Stacey and Sanjay for your leadership. You are an inspiration! here

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