Florida GOP

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Hypocrisy Of The Hillsborough County Democratic Party

The Islamic Society of Tampa Bay was kind enough to host a debate.
 Republican Lawrence McClure, Democrat Jose Vazquez, Libertarian Bryan Zemina and non-party-affiliated Ahmad Saadaldin  are running in the election Dec. 19 to select a successor to Dan Raulerson, who stepped down from the seat in August due to health problems.
The letter above was sent to the League of Women Voters for their audacity of hosting the debate at a mosque.
The writer?  CL Townsend, husband of the DEC Chair Ione Townsend and Jose Vazquez's campaign treasurer.
"The more my community gets involved, the more pushback we get. In. every. freaking. way. Then Democrats come kissing ass for money and votes and asking people to run as D's. And you wonder why some wont? The entire party leadership right now should be ashamed." 
Amina Minka Spahić
Where is the noise when these things are held at Right Wing Bell Shoals? 

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