Florida GOP

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Florida DINO Bill Nelson Has Betrayed Us Again

He votes to reopen the federal government without an immigration deal.
He was unable to contain a wide smile while explaining that a deal he helped broker was the best possible compromise to get federal employees back to work while getting Republicans to commit to a vote on the status of Dreamers.
Mitch McConnell did not commit to a deal or compromise for Dreamers on Monday, something that many Democrats previously said was a condition for reopening the government after it shut down on Friday night.
 He thinks the American people are going to be cheering that this occurred. Not here, we see you as weak, no backbone. We will just have to wait to see what happens in 3 weeks to see if we will be cheering or not.
Florida, you will be electing a new governor this year. Remember this is what you get when you elect middle of the road corporate Democrats like this. They are either extremely naive or sheep among wolves. 
All the hard work Liberal activist put in to make this #Trumpshutdown has now become #Demscave.

Call him at 202-224-5274 and tell him how much you appreciate his cowardice!
Check out Tamika Lyles
*Champion Education
Medicare for All
Minimize Poverty
* Advance Women’s Rights
* Protect Senior Citizens
* Support The LGBTQ+ Community
* Fight Climate Change
Innovate Immigration Policy
Meet Ms. Lyles here


  1. Stogie you are right again. Now it is no longer about the Trump Shutdown, it's about the Democrats caving in. The Dems are nothing but puppies to the republicans. They do with them as they please.

  2. They also gave Trump broad power to spy without warrants.

  3. It should be noted that Nelson is facing a primary challenge from Tamika Lyles. Will he debate her and expose his hypocrisy or pull a cowardly Patrick Murphy style (vs Grayson) move and refuse...

  4. I always thought Bill Nelson was a good guy! Not always smart, but a decent human being. Unfortunately, he's much like a Baptist preacher and can be rather hypocritical. He claims to love Jesus but belongs to that snarky group that lives in the dark, The Family.

    He doesn't really love Jesus or he'd never have voted to veto the Trump shutdown, but he usually votes for the people and these days we gotta take what we can get. Is there anyone in Florida with his name recognition or his support that could realistically win a seat in the Senate? Case in point: I have no idea who or what is Tamika Lyles and that's nobody's fault but my own. Nevertheless, the question is: can she win?

    Let's not allow our own immediate desires defeat our overall goal. We sure as hell don't want a Repugnican in the Senate.

  5. You're welcome Mr Rodriguez! Keep up the great work The Stogie is doing-it's a Tampa treasure for sure.

