Florida GOP

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Democratic "ESTABLISHMENT" Party

Yesterday local icon Susan Smith posted something on Facebook that a lot of us were surprise to see, but there it was. Join the conversation here
Our favorite by Leon Stark

The Democratic Party has placed themselves in the thrall of "THE ESTABLISHMENT", which is a certain loser in the eyes of the "REAL DEMOCRATS". Businesses have been running BOTH Parties for a LONG TIME. We saw someone come up from (near) obscurity, tocome SO CLOSE to becoming the NOMINEE, if it were not for questionable practices by "THE ESTABLISHMENT" to stifle the message, and the primaries. 

There was "THE ANOINTED" by "THE ESTABLISHMENT", but with a long record of questions, issues, problems, tales, and innuendos, enough to fill to three full-length tractor-trailers, towed by its truck of "ESTABLISHMENT" money. But that is NOT 'THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE".
was, WITHOUT Main-Stream Media Attention (minutes per month, and little of it positive), was getting his message out, and filling major venues. Mostly people wondering who he was and what was his message. And he turned NO ONE AWAY!!! He put so many positive messages out, but that did not fit "THE ESTABLISHMENT" agenda.

In my recent recollection,"THE ESTABLISHMENT" Democratic operating system had done so much to DELIBERATELY LOSE elections had they put A LITTLE SUPPORT into, and did NOT so blindly support no one, or "THE ANOINTED", they would have won BIG TIME. But anything to turn people away from voting, they embraced. And in Florida, we have had eight years of a criminal masquerading as a Conservative Republican (and now a favorite of the "DICHROMATE DESPOT") as our Governor. 

All of the tricks they pulled to support "THE ANOINTED" here in Florida were used in some way in the 2016 Presidential Election cycle. This was ALL so practiced that it seemed a foregone conclusion. I knew that "THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE" would have no help, but the vote-rigging and questionable (maybe not illegal, but definitely somewhat "dirty") tricks did him in. (Note: I have not even mentioned any external collusion, for whether there was or not, the Democratic "ESTABLISHMENT" Party was doing fine to sabotage themselves without outside help.)
We at this blog have been saying for a long time that Democrats are in denial, or as one of the other bloggers calls it "Head up the ass syndrome."
I recently had a disagreement with a couple of fellow comrades who I thought were interested in the truth. Apparently they prefer the comfort of fake news. 
More from Mr. Stark
think too many people are having a hard time digesting the truth, when they have been so inundated with "ALTERNATIVE FACTS" (to borrow a phrase). They SEE the problem, but they are too weak, too scared, or too gullible to do anything about it. In that, there are a LOT OF US, of every color and shade, shape and fit, gender or doubts thereabout, faith or lack thereof, or other attributes that certain political entities (note the lack of Party designation) that are used to keep us from seeing the COMMONALITIES OF SITUATION, compared to "the 0.0001%" who own the Legislature, and the bulk of the medium of exchange. Were that "repatriated", and distributed, it would gain far more "marginal utility" and "utile value", and make the wealthy even richer. But the wealthy are more into power than even the needs of their own employees.     

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