Florida GOP

Friday, January 5, 2018

The State Of Tampa Politics: Nina Tatlock

We have too many people locally who are registered as NPA. I understand the desire to want viable third parties, but it is not the system we currently have. Since Florida is a closed primary state, we have to work within that system to get the best Progressive candidates elected. 

Therefore if The Ybor Stogie readers want to have more Progressive candidates elected it has to be done during the primary elections. To participate in the primary elections a person needs to register with one of the 2 main parties. I urge all readers to register as Democrats and help us elect the most Progressive candidates during the Democratic Primary. We can then work hard to get that Candidate elected in the General election. 

I feel this is the quickest way to having Progressives elected. Then we can change the system we have to work with. We need to run Greens, Democratic Socialist, and Working Family Party candidates as democrats, 
small d intended.

Nina Tatlock

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