Florida GOP

Monday, January 8, 2018

The State Of Tampa Politics: Russell Giambrone

Right now, Tampa’s political scene is one dominated by both inefficiently, and a definite lack of direction. We have a County Board Of Supervisors that has put out a for sale sign to big pocket developers without any thought to having a well developed transportation plan. The result is that the highways are always gridlocked during rush hour with no relief in sight.

 Our mass transit system is the worst in the nation and only now during an election season does the need for change become an issue. Economic growth in our area is dependent on creating a mass transit system, that is both ecologically friendly and serves all sections of the county. We have another great example of ineffective governance in the Hillsborough County Board Of Education who are denying the teachers their contractually promised raises, while mismanagement of funds are the only thing that this Board is good at doing. 

The voters of Hillsborough County now have the opportunity to change the direction of our region. Progressive candidates are offering the voters a choice between a candidate who will govern with them in mind or re-electing politicians who represent those who are elitist and can donate to their reelection campaigns. 

Russell Giambrone 

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