Florida GOP

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Florida GOP On Trump's Speech

Tonight, President Trump shared that the State of the Union is strong, thanks to regulatory rollbacks, a forecast of regulatory certainty, and the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As promised, this administration has made it clear America is open for business — and the results are clear." Daniel Webster
“President Trump has accomplished much in his first year ever as an elected official. Our economy is booming and capital investment is high. The stock market has taken off. We’ve reformed the tax code so Americans can keep more of their own money." Dennis Ross
“I applaud President Trump’s bold and enthusiastic State of the Union address. He rightly focused on the undeniable economic revitalization that has been cultivated as a result of the pro-growth environment we have created by passing historic tax reform to help middle class Americans and small businesses and the regulatory relief measures that have been signed into law over the last year." Gus Bilirakis

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