Florida GOP

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Florida GOP Votes Down Motion To Take Up Weapons Ban

This was a party line vote
Even with Douglas students in the gallery these demons still  voted down a motion to take up a ban on assault weapons such as the AR-15 used by Nikolas Cruz when he killed 17 people at the school on Valentine's Day. here
Still think there is no difference in parties?
 This November you can change this.
But you got to vote! Remember the only way they get elected is via voter suppresion, gerrymandering and their small ignorant base.
You must turn out in huge numbers to overcome this.
There are plenty of days for early voting plus election day. 
Don't want to get off your lazy ass to do it?

Then Vote by Mail

1 comment:

  1. Of course these morons voted down a common sense motion dealing with military-grade weapons because they've been bribed by the NRA and other knuckle-dragging operations. But it wouldn't matter because most of the are so goddamn stupid they can't read or understand the Constitution or its amendments. If they did read this document they would realize that the 2nd Amendment does not give every dipshit and bozo and teeny-bopper the right to gather enough weaponry to fill a National Guard armory but that weapons are only for a "well-regulated militia," such as the National Guard.

    God, it's hard to live in the 21st century and be governed by stupids who are still living in the 16th century, and not only so but by nutcases who believe Jesus is on their side again partly because they never read the Bible they claim to love and even if they do they don't understand it so depend upon their goofy "pastor" to descend from his golden mansion and 'splain it to them. But the "pastor" having attended high school and then some wee little "church school" is dumber than they are and look to the NRA and the RNC for spiritual guidance.

    So, if God wants little Johnny, a 15-year old tragedy in raggedy clothes and upturned cap to have as many machine guns as his disturbed little heart desires, well, who can put a halt to that?
