Florida GOP

Saturday, February 17, 2018

NRA Sellout Adam Putnam: Opie of Open Carry

If you want to get elected to office in Florida, a politician is obligated to grovel before the great and powerful National Rifle Association, which views Tallahassee as a wholly owned subsidiary
 of its interests.
Adam Putnam is currently Florida's Agriculture Commissioner. He's also a Republican candidate for governor and a self-described "NRA sellout."
He thinks it's a swell idea it is to permit gun owners to carry their little friends on college campuses, as well as endorsing proposals to allow the open carry of weapons in public places.  That the protest against the NRA is merely "a classic progressive move.
 The NRA thinks that more citizens need to be locked and loaded because the nation is on the cusp of a violent revolution that it hinted former President 
Barack Obama is leading.
 Opie tweeted about how he's proud to be an #NRASellout and even created a petition on his site encouraging anyone who is also an 
#NRASellout to sign.

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