Florida GOP

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Brilliant Teenagers Of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Have the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School changed the game? There's no question the students have changed the national conversation. They have called "B.S." on empty Republican pieties – rejecting "thoughts and prayers" and demanding that lawmakers take action to protect children's lives
 from guns.
They've captured the hearts of a nation – and the support
 of celebrities from George Clooney to Oprah.
Yet, Florida GOP has acted as if nothing has changed. As Parkland survivors looked on in tears, the Florida House this week voted against even debating legislation to curb assault rifles – and then had the audacity to vote to declare porn a threat to public health. 
The true test of whether the brilliant teenagers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas are winning a news cycle or bringing durable change will come at the ballot box in November.
And the biggest proof will come from Florida itself – where a 2018 senate election expected to pit a Republican who earns an "A+" from the NRA against a Democrat who earns an "F." here

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