Florida GOP

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Berners In Tampa Bay

Campaigns End.
Revolutions Endure!
Discouraged by so called Progressive groups in our bay area?
Bernie's Revolution Continues
And here

1 comment:

  1. Which 'so called" progressive groups are you speaking to? As president of the DPCTB, I hope you're aren't referencing us. Especially since 1) we were starting by a majority of not only Bernie supporters but actual Bernie delegates (myself included); who were at the front lines getting abused and spat on in Philly. 2) As you have photo-documented; we shop up to almost EVERY progressive event that we possible can and fight for progressive issues on every level. 3) We are at the FRONT lines everyday fighting establishments within the party in order to break up the power consolidation, make the party more open and to bring the party back to working class America. Can you please be more specific in which "so called" progressive groups you're talking about? Thanks.
