Florida GOP

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Local Bad Ass Beth Eriksen-Shoup

Thanks to The Ybor City Stogie for providing me a platform to share a secret about "Team Shoup." That secret is my incredible and beautiful wife Beth Eriksen-Shoup. If you know Beth, you'll understand what I'm talking about.She is my political confidante who tells me honestly if my reaction to a  political and cultural issue is sound or not.  She is truly the intellectual spark behind Team Shoup. 
We've been married 19 years and I was truly a lost soul before we met. In addition to being my best friend and lover, she is an amazing mother, too. Just ask our daughter Shelby. So, the next time you see us at a political rally, you'll know the secret of Team Shoup.
Scott Shoup


  1. Beth is AMAZING and I'm soooo happy that she has been recognized! Thank you for your work & I love you Beth!!

    Julio - While I appreciate your post and recognition of women who are local badasses (many if not all of the women recognized are personal friends of mine)... I still wonder why all your muses are white? I've yet to see any woman of color, specifically black, indigenous or Muslim represented in any of the work you do.

    I'm just curious why that is?

    I'd like to hear your thoughts!

  2. Sorry we don't respond to anonymous comments. I suggest you check the post we did recently "Amazing Women of Tampa Bay"

  3. Julio - I messaged you directly on Facebook with the same message but you have chosen to ignore me.
    If you and the Stoogie feel comfortable ignoring the voices of people of color you are doing an incredible disservice to this movement and the community. I have checked the post you referenced and I still only see white women.

    What exactly are you alluding to here?
