Florida GOP

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Local Bad Ass Roz Oaxaca Moffett

Local Progressive Roz Oaxaca Moffett is damn amazing.
I have to say I am biased but my wife is one Progressive Bad Ass.  She is the quiet hero we all strive to be, and from the time she was a small girl to now, she is a social justice warrior.
From a young age in California, the equality and dignity of her fellow humans has been very important to her. Roz and her family fought for the basic human rights of migrant farm workers such as access to fresh water, bathrooms and banning the short-handled hoe usage.  There were many years the Oaxaca households did not eat grapes, and later the Moffett home was sans Publix tomatoes.
In High School and college she continued to work with the United Farm Workers, often saying, “I am first generation out of the fields, it’s my duty to keep the ladder of opportunity available and wide.” For relaxation she worked with the Special Olympics as a hugger at the end of the races.
When we lived in Omaha she was an active member of the Democratic Divas who met and gave sage advice to a young Gov Howard Dean as he was preparing for his run for the White House before Iowa. She said, “If I would have known, I would have told him not to scream!”
While in Florida only 12 years, she has made an impact.  From being President of the East Hillsborough Democratic Club to managing three congressional races to working with the Obama campaign to starting the Progressive Underground to raising three progressive and compassionate children, she is actively making a mark in Hillsborough County.  As well as dozens of pairs of worn out shoes from canvassing.
I am humbled and honored to call her my best friend, my comrade in arms, and my wife. Today is our anniversary of 20 years, think of the difference she will make over the next 20!
Don Moffett

1 comment:

  1. Great work you two are doing, keep on, keeping on.
