Florida GOP

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Students Rally Against Gun Violence In Ybor City

Devan Cheaves

Elvis Piggott and Nick Tobasco

Kelly Benjamin

Tim Heberlein

Glen Eich

Hey, hey GOP how many kids did you kill today!
Ybor City, Florida


  1. Where was Buckhorn? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Orlando’s Mayor Buddy Dyer LED their march in Orlando. (Maybe Lil Bucky was too busy getting ready to dump green dye in the river this weekend? Priorities, ya know! 😡)

  2. Oh, you mean “Photo Op Bob”? “Kids’lives”? “Green dye for good, old St. Patty”? Absolutely more opportunity for photos at the latter. Pretty sick, don’t you think? Which, after all, is bloody well MORE important?! (Sorry for the also a little sick pun.)
