Florida GOP

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Rodney Dangerfield Of The Florida Democratic Party

The Progressive Wing
I know there are a lot of people out there working very hard to bring change to the party. But you are going about it all wrong. The people in charge do not want to lose their power and will do every thing they can to keep it.
They lead you around like a puppy. Sure they 
throw you a bone once in a while but you are not coming in the house.
The plan is simple. The Tea Party showed you what to do 
and Bernie Sanders showed you how to do it.  
When a politician doesn't do what you want, you primary them. When the party turns their back on you with their money and resources, which they will and are already doing, you take the Bernie route, you do it with small donations and boots on the ground. This can be done, it already has been done. If the party had not sabotage his campaign, he would be our president today. (Read Donna Brazile's book "Hacks" here
An exanple of this is happening right now in Florida.
 Florida Democratic activists love Andrew Gillum.
There are four major candidates running for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in Florida.  Only one consistently draws sizable crowds of activists. Andrew Gillum, sound familiar? When voters get excited about a candidate they will give you their money and knock on doors for you.
Progressives remember, you are not the fringe any more you are the majority,
 start acting like it.
Disclaimer: I am not a overpaid political consultant. 
The solution is obvious.

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