Florida GOP

Monday, March 5, 2018

The Stogie Is Full Of BS

According to a number of e-mails we have received after our posts predicting the demise of Establishment Democrats.
Lets Review
Fact: The GOP has ruled Florida for 20 years.  Despite more registered Democrats than Republicans, the balance of power in government doesn't even come close. Source

Governors in the US
 33 Republicans, 16 Democrats, and 1 independent. Source 
The GOP controls all 3 branches of federal government.  
In 1972, Democrats registered in Florida 69% 
and 3% other.
In 2016, Democrats registered 38%
and 26% other.
Your voters are leaving your party.
Whatever you guys are doing doesn't  seem to be working, I would try something else.
So before you start telling us we are full of shit I would check the facts. But you guys are like right wing republicans, you don't care about facts!


  1. Ha, Only here would you see something like this. Well done!

  2. Great post Pilar. You know what's funny, we have been bashing republicans since day one and we have never had this problem. Now when we start calling these Dems out, our hate mail has increased, we are banned from many Dem groups and our comments are flagged as spam. Ha!

  3. They see the end coming and don't want to lose their cushy positions. They don't care about anybody but themselves.

  4. Great job as usual! The Corporate Dems see their days numbered.

  5. To the point of the one Anon comment or about cushy positions. This is exactly what Nomiki Konst was so passionately railing against in her speech at that DNC Reform Commission about the consultants. The fact that almost 800m was paid out to literally 5 consultants for the Federal election while the DNC let the local and state chapters wither and die is why we are living in this NeoLiberal nightmare, and why the Far Right wing was able to entrench themselves like parasites deep into the system at all levels.

    Side topic: Found your site while searching out a DSA chapter in Tampa as I'm moving back to the area March 19th. Look forward to future posts and meeting up.
