Florida GOP

Monday, April 9, 2018

Hillsborough County Voters Choose Transit Over New Stadium

No wait, sorry it was St. Louis!
Supporters of the stadium poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into an ad campaign for the stadium, including visits by national soccer figures and TV and billboard ads. 
Opponents spent little money against Proposition 2, but a number of prominent officials and activists vocally opposed the measure, arguing that it shouldn’t be a priority for a city facing economic and public safety issues, and that a team wasn’t likely to benefit lower-income residents or neighborhoods. here
 “No public stadium, no team.” 
MLS Commissioner Don Garber
Try Vegas, they are giving away tons of taxpayer cash over there,  ask The Raiders. 
Check out bad ass San Diego
We can do it too!
Minneapolis Schools Face $33M Deficit After City Paid $500M for 
NFL Stadium

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