Florida GOP

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Coffee with Elvis Piggott

First-time candidate Elvis Piggott is finding out just how nasty politics can be. The 30 year-old pastor from Hillsborough County has been in the crosshairs of the political blogosphere multiple times this cycle. Most recently, reports surfaced of a lawsuit filed against the millennial pastor for misrepresenting himself as the booking agent for gospel recording artist Vickie Winans. 

With the Democratic primary just over three months away, Piggott has a lot of damage control to do if he plans on winning the party’s nomination for Hagan’s coveted District 5 seat. For now, the pastor is not worried about the civil proceedings being brought against him, but is rather focusing on the court of public opinion. Piggott says, “These allegations are 100 percent false and erroneous, and this is a political hit job.” Piggott believes this particular hit job was orchestrated by his opponent Mark Nash and it has no legitimacy. The pastor couldn’t go in depth regarding specifics of the lawsuit since it is ongoing, but he says that his innocence will be proven in the coming weeks. 

While Piggott may be trying to be avoid “dirty politics,” it’s clear that a fight may be necessary albeit not desired. “Our campaign is focused on our message and our platform. That’s what the people want to hear. The people are tired of dirty politics as usual and don’t want to see two grown men fighting.” Despite whether or not the public is tired of politics as usual, Piggott’s reaction in the coming days will determine where this fight may be headed.