Florida GOP

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Florida Democratic Progressive Leader Endorses Republican For County Judge

"It was great to catch up with my good friend Susan Smith for lunch today! I'm thrilled to officially have her endorsement of my candidacy for County Court Judge!" 
Adam Banter
"Suburban Susan" as she is know to local activist has lost any credibility she may have had with most local Progressives. Is she looking out for us, or her friends?


  1. Julio Rodriguez - Please take this article down. Progressives aren't strictly party loyalists, and you know this. Progressives can endorse Progressive Republicans, and especially in the case of a non-partisan race, which the County Judge race is. Also, it's wrong to allow the author of this hit piece to refer to Susan Smith as "Suburban Susan" - wtf is that? Where is the integrity in that? This is poor writing, and your blog is better than this.

  2. Rusty, could you please tell me how progressive Bell Shoals Baptist Church is? Maybe you could elaborate on their progressive stance on reproductive rights?, Mr. Banter is no progressive nor is Susan Smith for that matter.

  3. I love the phrase Suburban Susan…. Thank you Donna Davis for the gift that will keep giving!

  4. I love the phrase Suburban Susan…. Thank you Donna Davis for the gift that will keep giving!

  5. What happened to her happens to a lot of people. They go in thinking they can change the system but what ends up happening is the system changes them.

  6. This upsets me. We have real enemies in this town....what a piece of shit article. Time to start filtering out the garbage....and whoever withered this needs to stay out of Hillsborough county politics.

  7. Lee, she just shared what was already on Facebook. Please check screenshot. If this ok with you then you should stay away from this blog.

  8. Adam Bantner actively and openly supported Trump in 2016, though he has since removed those posts since he must now be non-partisan when running for judge. Bantner was also appointed to one of the BoCC committees by Stacy White, who is easily one of the most conservative and anti-progressive members of the County Commissioners. Maybe none of that speaks to whether Bantner is progressive *now* but it certainly suggests that he wasn't allied with progressives just a few years ago.

  9. Listen to you elitist liberals cry about this! While the Pseudo Hillsborough Democratic Progressive Caucus pretends to be “progressive". Judge Banter is a REAL Progressive! Yes he supported Trump, does that mean he’s not “progressive”? No! He is a family man, he drives an American car and he wants to keep our county safe! This vote is for you Judge Bantor! Thanks Susan for breaking with the snowflakes on this one!

  10. "Yes he supported Trump, does that mean he’s not 'progressive'”?
    Yes, based on that one fact, it is impossible for him to be progressive. Trump is without a doubt the most regressive president - or candidate - in at least 150 years. There is no way that a person who is even moderately progressive could bring themselves to vote for that turd.

  11. Driving a American car makes you progressive? :)

  12. Hey, I am a Lib and I am a family man and I drive a Chevy.

  13. Well it looks like Ms. Smith has accomplished one thing, she has some Trumpers on her side. They are thanking her for breaking with the snowflakes on this one!

  14. This is the problem, people are looking for an alternative to the corrupt Democratic Party, this doesn't help. Are they all in bed together? That is why NEW VOTERS (young people) are becoming NPA. The future of the 2 party system is over. There are many other choices now. They keep this up and the blue wave could become a ripple.

  15. There has always been more choices, just no one has paid attention to them. With the democratic party becoming just another party for the !% they are now.

  16. Susan Smith is as much a progressive as Gwen Graham—which means zilch. Smith supports Trump supporter; Graham supports Trump agenda. As for Bantner, he is clearly a political hack who has no business running for a nonpartisan judgship. He needs to suspend his campaign and return all contributions.

  17. I drive a Japanese car. Damn, thought I was progressive.

  18. Vote Nash!#NASH
