Florida GOP

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Progressives Fume at Buesing Betrayal; Cruz Cabal in Full Panic Mode

The Florida Democratic Party is begging for “unity” after its meddling transformed a very flippable Florida Senate race into an utter longshot.
An email,  sent by Buesing, asks recipients to attend an “Evening of Democratic Unity”  next week at a local Tampa eatery.  The invitation says the event will “feature” Buesing’s replacement and corporatist puppet State Rep. Janet Cruz with Buesing as “special guest.”
The aggrieved progressives in the party are having none of the blatant rescue attempt. The meddlers, FDC chairman Terrie Rizzo and corporatist Alex Sink, who caused this potential election disaster are in full panic mode realizing they alienated progressives who comprise at least a third of their base and who are reliable voters.
Those who supported Bob Buesing’s 2018 effort to unseat incumbent Republican Dana Young and provided a volunteer army are rightfully livid. Buessing withdrew his candidacy after pressure and a promise from Rizzo and Sink.
By Jim Bleyer


  1. Progressives have no backbone. The enablers will continue to win as long as you let them.

  2. This was disgusting what they did to Buesing, but he shares the blame for letting it happen.
