Florida GOP

Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Unabashedly Progressive Mayor Of Tallahassee

Progressive Wave Cresting in the South
Last Tuesday Stacey Abrams’ rewrote the political playbook with a resounding victory in our neighbor to the north. Democratic voter participation shot up by more than 20 percent compared with 2010 the party’s last contested primary for governor in Georgia. 
The results were loud and clear to Columbus Mayor Teresa Tomlinson: Democratic voters were rejecting “Republican lite” politics.”
The Tallahassee Democrat’s Bill Cotterell wrote last week:
“Down here, Mayor Andrew Gillum was quick to see the Abrams nomination as a sign that he can win on Aug. 28. There are some glaring Georgia-Florida differences, but there are also some similarities – notably that Gillum is running as an unabashed liberal counting 
on a large black vote."
The mayor had this to say “Last night, my friend Stacey Abrams won the Democratic primary in Georgia and in the process helped show the world that we need to toss out the old political playbooks that tell us what we can and can’t do, or who should and shouldn’t win.” 
Ways you can help him...
Visit him here - Send him cash here
Phone bank
6.3 - 1 PM John F. Germany Public Library here

He has plans to make healthcare more affordable through Medicare for All, increase spending on education and workforce training through a corporate tax adjustment 

and marijuana legalization, 

and raise the minimum wage in Florida to $15 an hour.


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