Florida GOP

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Bob Buckhorn Beware Of Rick Scott Bearing Gifts

In recent weeks, Scott has sent a flurry of political presents Tampa’s way — revealing a private company’s interest in a high-speed rail link between Tampa and Orlando, allocating $2.7 million for the city’s fledgling street car system, and pushing personally to place an Ybor City census tract on the state’s list for a federal tax break that may help pay for a new Tampa Bay Rays ballpark.
Plenty of Democrats are skeptical of Scott’s motives, including Hillsborough County Democratic Party chairwoman Ione Townsend. 
They see Scott’s largesse as a maneuver to cut the vote margins in November in a key Democratic stronghold. Scott is challenging Sen. Bill Nelson for his seat.
"That’s probably the game plan, Hillary Clinton took Hillsborough by 41,000 votes. For a Republican to be making some political investments in our county? I’m sure it’s viewed by them as ‘we’ll reap some rewards down the road." Ione Townsend

1 comment:

  1. Rick Scott - Bad representation of Florida. We do not need him in the Senate
