Florida GOP

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mariella Smith Still Raising Hell

I spoke to the County Commission today, defending neighborhoods and community plans against a powerful developer who has given $48,000 (!!!) to the 4 commissioners running for office. This is why I'm running for County Commission. To stand up for us citizens, not special interests.
We need to fill our Commission with citizen representatives who will fight for us, so we don't have to keep fighting them!
Thanks to Commissioner Patricia Kemp who made a motion to deny the developer's bad proposal. Unfortunately, the rest of the board voted to make us all jump through another hoop, making us go through a do-over hearing on August 20. Still, it's better than it would have been without us. They would have voted to approve -- for the developer, against us citizens -- if we hadn't shown up and fought hard. So we'll just have to come back to fight this again.
This proposal is so bad, it was opposed by the county's own planning staff, the Planning Commission, AND the Zoning Hearing Master in their preliminary reviews. Yet the County Commissioners almost approved it today, and surely would have, if we citizens weren't there.
Thanks to Ruskin Citizens and Keystone Citizens for showing up and standing together against this assault on our community plans. here 
Help her here

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