Florida GOP

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Welcome Asher Edelson

Good morning Tampa Bay!

I have not written for the Stogie before and I am excited to do so today!

For my inaugural Stogie posting, I would like to talk about Andrew Gillum. He is the best candidate running for Governor of Florida. He has a progressive platform and was the first major gubernatorial candidate in modern Florida history to endorse full cannabis legalization. Gillum has a solid background in Tallahassee as a trailblazer who won his first significant office at age 23 (an age which I will soon leave behind). He is quite electable, too, with the authenticity to win over more than the average base that will vote blue regardless; Gillum can bring it home for young people, progressives, and communities of color. He can win and be an excellent Governor.

I want to see Hillsborough County public officials endorse Andrew Gillum. Officials across the state from Orlando’s Carlos Smith to South Florida’s Frederica Wilson have done it, but so far as I’ve seen, none from Tampa/Hillsborough have endorsed him.

What about our progressives? What about County Commissioner Pat Kemp? City Councilor Frank Reddick? Former State Representative Ed Narain? State Attorney Andrew Warren? If people stand up and ask our elected politicians to make the endorsement, it will be more likely to happen.

Thank you for reading!

Asher Edelson

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