Florida GOP

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Candy Lowe Appreciation Dinner

Candy Lowe has a history of making a difference in the Tampa Bay Community. The longtime community organizer, entrepreneur and Black Business advocate has made it her life’s mission to help those around her prosper fiscally, emotionally and spiritually.

Last month, about 150 members of the community came together to honor the visionary leader for her service. Ranging from mayoral candidates to council members past and present, it was a room full of distinguished guests. Among the attendees was City Councilman and mayoral candidate Harry Cohen, who said that Lowe’s most significant contribution to the community is the “respectful dialogue and civilized forum” that she provides through her regular community engagements known as “Tea and Conversation with Candy Lowe.” Cohen also contributed Lowe to helping change the very discourse of the nation by providing a positive catalyst for open communication through her forums. 

An immense amount of planning went into the appreciation dinner, and many community organizations came together to help orchestrate the evening’s events. From The London J. Agency’s planning and event specialists and Mona Judge’s Total Image Hair Salon to a special escort from the Brothers of the Nation of Islam and Fruit of Islam, no detail was left untouched. Jarvis El-Amin, organizer and Co-Founder of the Regional Black Chamber and Cecelia Mitchell with Hands of Hope Sickle Cell Foundation, did an amazing job hosting the special event. 

Candy Lowe continues her odyssey to enrich the lives of those around her. Her mission to help the local Black Business Community prosper is gearing up for its thirteenth year, as the Reunion Black Business Bus Tour prepares to depart again on September 22nd. Lowe is undoubtedly an unstoppable force in the community. For more information on tickets and how you can take part in the Reunion Tour event, please visit their website at blackbusinessbustourflorida.com or call Candy Lowe at 813-394-6363. 

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