Florida GOP

Friday, September 14, 2018

Grievances against Mayor Buckhorn

The local news recently put out an article which discusses how a statue at Ulele is being removed. The statue, which depicts an indigenous American woman, is meant to be commemorative of Native culture. It is being removed due to legal issues with regard to the City, and is a show of where our Mayor’s energies go during his final months in office. Some people have mentioned how this action was a “last straw” in a line of legitimate grievances against Mayor Buckhorn.

Bob bombastically attacked the School Board when they fired Mary Ellen Elia, without regard for how disabled students died during a negligent superintendent’s incumbency. He opposed medical cannabis in 2014 — a slap in the face for patients, for people who know someone who benefits from cannabis as a medicine. He was Mayor while “Biking while Black” was first exposed as an issue for our  police, and has done little to nothing for Tampa’s marginalized communities.

It’s okay to hold people accountable. There are legitimate grievances against Mayor Buckhorn, and what I have listed here probably just scratches the surface. If you have had an issue with the Buckhorn administration, please share, and help Tampa elect a different kind of Mayor in 2019. This next Mayor needs to be more than someone with a “D” next to their name. Municipal races in Tampa are “nonpartisan” and more than one candidate has switched to being Democrat as a Mayor of convenience. That being said, please, elect a better Mayor, Tampa.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget his recent defense of misogyny in the fire department, even said he wanted to appeal the ruling. I was dismayed to learn that Gwen was thinking of him for lt. gov.
