Florida GOP

Monday, November 19, 2018

Ken Hagan Racketeering Charges?

For years, county commissioner Ken Hagan has been negotiating a new Rays stadium behind closed doors, going so far to preserve secrecy that he refused to turn over public records even when the law required it.
However, the secret details of where Hagan and the Rays were planning to put a new stadium were not secret to every member of the public – one key developer was given access to the information that should have been 
available to all.
The developer used that information to buy land at a discounted rate, put himself in position to profit off the new stadium announcement, then became a significant contributor to Commissioner Hagan’s re-election campaign. At no time were Hagan’s fellow commissioners – or members of the public who requested the public documents – provided the maps. MORE
"This arrangement to have Ken Hagan represent the entire Commission in negotiations with the Rays was approved by the BOCC before I became a commissioner. After I became a commissioner, I objected to this arrangement and urged that the County Adminstrator represent the BOCC in these negotiations instead. The only other commissioner in support of me was Comm. Stacy White." Pat Kemp


  1. We could of taken care of this. To many brain dead republicans in this county.

  2. Ms. Kemp what about your fellow Dem Les Miller?

  3. "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes." Joseph Stalin

  4. Next regular commission meeting is December 5. This means war. Besides this corruption and the eventual burden to the taxpayers, this stadium will, without a doubt, destroy Ybor City. Ybor City has a history, a legacy, a spirit, a soul that will be lost forever if it becomes the playground for 10s of thousands of baseball fans. WE CAN NOT ALLOW A RAYBOR CITY TO HAPPEN!

  5. Our County Commission is still refusing to honor requests for information regarding the substance of those secret negotiations. I have sent messages to all of the commissioners, asking if the Rays Stadium proposal will be on their agenda any time soon so the public can voice their opposition. I'd be willing to bet that, if there are any responses at all, they will be so vague as to be totally useless. I don't think we will hear anything from the commission until after the stadium and it's public funding are approved. If I'm wrong about this and I do hear that we will have the chance to voice our opposition, I will do all I can to spread the word. We will need to turn out in numbers and, I think, on very short notice.
