Florida GOP

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2018 Tampa Activist Of The Year: Scott Shoup's Picks

Selecting an activist of the year is no easy task. There are so many socially conscious people doing good works that it's hard to choose. Here are my choices: I want to mention Allen Bray, Austin Willis, Sydney Eastwin, Torrie Grogan, Jen Derlis, Dezeray Lyn.  These individuals recognized the immorality and plain evil of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's policy of separating children from their parents. These individuals  actually chained themselves to an I.C.E Facility and were arrested. By doing this courageous act of civil disobedience they put their lives on the line and should be recognized along with other important individuals acts of civil disobedience in this Nation's long history like the Freedom Riders, the Keystone Pipeline, and John Brown's raid on the Federal Armory to mention a few.  

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