Florida GOP

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blue Ticket Consulting: Nice Work If You Can Get It

The ethical boundary has always been blurry for political operatives in the midst of a heated campaign, but that line may have been crossed by St. Petersburg-based Blue Ticket Consulting in the Tampa City Council races going on now.
The ethical lapse could have been triggered by a string of previous losses by the Democratic consulting firm.
Blue Ticket is representing Ed Turamchik in the Tampa mayor’s race. Turanchik so far has spent $14,640.90 with Blue Ticket,  His gravitas with Tampa’s progressive community has evaporated.
More by  Jim Bleyer
Is this the same consulting firm that advised Mr. Turamchik to kick off his campaign with 2 of Tampa's greatest Right Wingers who have made their careers on bashing Dems? Maybe that is where the 
evaporation started! 


  1. Tom Alte is an unethical, manipulative liar that overcharges for his fugazi services. If you want recycled donor lists that every candidate in the county has and is calling from, or really bad generic political advice; he’s your man! He’s an opportunistic carpetbagger that eats too many cookies and smells like a republican. Candidates, please stay away from this political chop shop. It’s toxic!

  2. Agreed! Tom Alte is a future felon with a caviler attitude towards his client’s political future. He plays fast, loose and reckless. He’ll eventually move on to another fishing hole after he destroys all of his client’s political careers in the Bay area. Tampa is no more than a temporary stop for him to fill his political coffers before he moves on. Clients of his in this past election know that he took on too many candidates and neglected to his paid duty.

    Great work exposing this fraud Jim!


  3. Great article Jim! I’m just shocked that you forgot to inform your readers about the smoking gun! It’s common knowledge that Kerry Kriseman (Mayor Rick Kriseman’s wife) works for this morally corrupt political chop shop. She has firsthand knowledge of what occurs in this house of political lies as she pedals her own corrupt agenda for Mayor Rick and his cronies. It’s one big morally corrupt circle jerk and good democratic candidates are paying the price. We need to stop this racist bastard and his bull shit company from destroying any more good candidates! This firm is not going to assist the Hillsborough County Dems with any “blue wave” it’s only going to give candidates blue balls as they are misled to thinking that they are on the path to victory.

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