Florida GOP

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Christopher Cano on mayor’s race

“This mayor’s race has brought out into the sunshine where people’s loyalties lie. Many in the African American and Latino communities have been directly and negatively impacted by policies of the Buckhorn Administration. His former police chief, Jane Castor, is seeking to replace him. The same Jane Castor that ran a systemically racist program of enforcement under her tenure. The same Castor who has ties to lobbying firms that provide support and access to Donald Trump. Jane Castor can never get my vote.
Then you see 1%’er and Republican Donor David Straz who has written checks to former Governor Rick Scott. The same Rick Scott that allowed pollution of our environment and cuts to vital healthcare programs. People vote with their pocket books everyday and David Straz has voted with his for years against us. Now we are supposed to back him because he has a (D) after his name? David Straz will also never have my vote.
In my humble opinion, anyone from these communities working for these candidates are selling us out. Some are selling out for checks, some for power, but regardless of the motivations, we should all take note as to whom is pushing candidates that for years have directly or indirectly harmed our communities of color in Tampa.
We are a diverse city with a plethora of ideals and differing values, yet we can all agree that we want a Mayor who thinks of our families when they suit up, Jane Castor & David Straz are not. I encourage every Tampanian to view the other candidates, Cohen, Suarez, Turanchik, Morrison and vote with the one that best aligns to their values and vision
for our home.”
Christopher Cano

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