Florida GOP

Monday, March 4, 2019

Extinction Rebellion Tampa Bay Noise at Clearwater Beach

Wednesday March 6th

Extinction Rebellion Tampa Bay will gather at The Sandpearl Resort & Spa in Clearwater Beach to protest the Spring Coal Forum, organized by the American Coal Council. The forum is an elite 3-day networking event for senior executives of coal suppliers, utilities, transport and trading companies, designed to examine markets and public policies and strengthen the position of coal as an 
energy source. 

At a time of catastrophic climate breakdown, when science urges us to halt all fossil fuel burning as soon as possible, the coal industry cannot be allowed to continue to push its agenda unchallenged.“The American Coal Council intends to meet quietly here in Tampa Bay, so we thought we’d bring some noise,” said Extinction Rebellion coordinator 
James Lamont. 

“When our region could be uninhabitable within a few decades due to extreme weather it is an insult for them to come and enjoy our beaches and an
afternoon of golf.”

The static noise demonstration will be an attempt to inform locals of the presence of the forum, as well as tell those inside that their event is not welcome. The demo will begin at 6 pm outside the hotel while the forum hosts an evening reception. Participants are encouraged to bring their noisiest instruments, sports appliances, children and kitchen ware. HERE

Extinction Rebellion Tampa Bay is a chapter of a new international movement demanding an emergency mobilization to combat climate change. 

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