Florida GOP

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Hillsborough County Bureaucratic Bull Shit

Today many of us in Hillsborough County Florida attended the County Commissioners meeting. Going into this meeting I had some high hopes of receptive commissioners that had a little bit of heart and compassion. Leaving the meeting I now feel that we have real issues with a totally disconnected board of county commissioners that have not only a double standard but also suffer from a "holier than thou" syndrome. The main purpose of our visit to this meeting was to get some type of action or assistance with the abuse of power shown and flexed by HCSO in regards to the undercover deputy, Philip J. Montesi, that hit and killed Josiah Pinner on
 January 11th of 2019.
Today we witnessed County commissioners laughing at people that were standing up to address their concerns. Today we witnessed Commissioners ignoring speakers during their 3 minute allotted talk time. After seeing and hearing the excuses we were given it has become clear that this coverup of lies is blanketed with the corrupt political bureaucratic bull dung. It is this journalist opinion that the county commissioners are in full criminal collusion with the HCSO. I say this because the funding for the HCSO is provided by the county commissioners and yet they say they have no control or influence over the HCSO. When unlawful actions are covered up or ignored by higher up officials it dose mean that all parties are active participants in criminal collusion.

As a "people" of Hillsborough County we should not be laughed at by those that we elect into offices or positions. We should all be given the same respect and dignity that these elected officials demand. After witnessing the things I saw today at this public meeting it has become clear to me that we have major corruption and collusion problems in Hillsborough County Florida. You can bet that we will not give up in our stance to expose this corruption to the fullest extent of our ability. We will continue to hold protest and to peacefully assemble 
to voice our concerns.

Our peaceful protest deprive this criminal collusion enterprise of three things: Capitol, Control, and Credibility. 
Anonymous Watchman


  1. much love and respect for your true concern and compassion for the Tampa community

  2. I seen the video and I’m sorry for there lost however why is it that this whole time everyone else is speaking for Josiah his mother says nothing .now I understand she’s Grieving however when we see her laughing and carrying on like nothing happen it tell something else as she walk into the room with her boyfriend taking selfie with this guy that by the way confuse me I thought it was her child’s friend and on her Facebook taking selfies like nothing happen .correct me if I’m wrong yet didn’t this woman just lost her only son this is not the way to carry on she needs to wake up and smell that coffe she already lost one child . Now not saying she doesn’t care for her kids what I am saying is that she needs to represent her son not act like a child with a child the young man walk in there with her laughing like this is funny what in the world are they trying to accomplish ? You wasn’t going to a theater 🎭 you where going to a meeting and she could at least represent her son by speaking that would of probably made a big difference

    1. You need to shut your mouth. First of all she wasn't taking selfies. Second of all mind your business and third of all why you so worried about the guy that was with her? She doesn't have to say a damn thing if she doesnt want to obiviously it's a very sensitive subject and it doesnt matter if she said anything or not bc county commissioners doesn't give a damn!

    2. Sheriff's and Commissioners kill a man, collude and cover it up, and this person is worried about selfies???
      Gtfo here!
      Focus on the collusion anonymous person!
