Florida GOP

Monday, March 4, 2019

Vote tomorrow! Our City needs it!

Hello Tampa friends! I hope that you will vote if you have not already!

I recommend Vibha Shevade for District 3, who is a progressive running to help build Tampa strong! She is gaining traction online with her videos which detail her platform, and commitment to the environment. Ms. V’s videos online have garnered an incredible 30,000 views! She is a part of Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Advisory Council which promotes public safety in Tampa.She is committed to earning your vote and needs your support at the polls!

I recommend Orlando Gudes for District 5! He is dedicated to public transit, has been a youth mentor for years, and has been a smal business owner. Orlando will be the best choice in ensuring that District 5 is looked after, and that disenfranchised constituents are provided a level playing field to find work and vote. Orlando is a personable individual who will be a voice for disadvantaged  communities such as youth, seniors, and those who struggle for public transit options like the free Intowner Bus, which Orlando stood by to support the people. He walks the walk and would be an excellent City Councilor!

I recommend Bill Carlson for District 4! Bill will be an avid proponent for the South Tampa area, and  voted to approve a plan for sensitivity training within the City, as a Charter Review Commissioner. He will ensure that our City moves forward from the mistakes of the Buckhorn years.

I recommend John Godwin for District 2! He is the right person for the job, with a sincere political message to change Tampa for the better and pay attention to criminal justice and other issues. He has a pro disability platform which is a fantastic testament to his candidacy!

I recommend Joe Citro for District 1! He has been a longtime advocate for helping to grow Tampa, and he is someone who will listen to others regardless of agreement or disagreement.

Definitely vote for Guido Maniscalco, who championed the ban on conversion therapy, and Luis Viera, a staunch ally to the disability community, for their reelection bids in (D6)West and (D7)New Tampa, respectively!

Vote Harry Cohen for Mayor of Tampa!

I hope to see you on the barricades!

— Asher

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