Florida GOP

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Tampa 2020 Tasker

Sky U. White
County Commissioner, Dist. 3

Jessica Vaughn
School Board Member, Dist. 3

Jen McDonald
County Commissioner, Dist. 1

Bernie Sanders

Draft Kevin Beckner
Clerk of Circuit Court

Draft Topher Morrison
For something!


  1. No on Vaughn, Sanders, and Beckner. The three of them are totally unelectable anyway. Harry Cohen has told insiders he will run for Dist. 1. He should run for Clerk of the Court. There is no way Beckner beats Murman.

  2. Excited to see Sky U. White is back!! She ran a very strong campaign and hasn't stopped being involved. I literally see her EVERYWHERE! Would love to have coffee with her. #GoSky

  3. Maybe Stephen Lytle will run again! No, Stephen Lytle will be too buy breaking and entering into peoples homes and helping Walmart with their agenda to defraud the citizens of this country.

  4. To the person who said I'm not progressive and a fake Democrat, you're wrong (happy to provide my families contact info - all Republicans - and you can ask them about my political views; they've been disappointed in my positions for years). Anyone making a comment like that hasn't sat down and had a real conversation with me. And if I ever say any nasty shit about someone it's to their face. Want to prove me wrong? Call me up and lunch is on me. I enjoy a respectful debate.
