Florida GOP

Saturday, June 22, 2019

ICE Protest Blackout in Ybor

The 2 pictures I was able to get before I was told by Dezaray Lyn. That I had no "consent" to take pictures at her public event. I know it was my right to continue, 

but I didn't.


  1. You did the right thing, that woman is psycho.

  2. It's called "Eyes off the Prize."

  3. With her it's not about any prize, it's about her enormous ego.

  4. This is amazing, why would anyone turn away any type of publicity.

  5. She has no social skills, she was raised by wolves.

  6. Yes... My massive ego strikes again. Julio took a photo of me with my face covered and published it with my name on it some years back. Because of that I was stalked/doxxed and harassed and had to change my phone number. I have asked him at numerous demonstrations since then to get consent before he takes photos. He doesn't. Most everyone I know have expressed discomfort with his invasive photo taking but he continues to do so. Throwing stones at a person who says they are uncomfortable that their consent was violated makes it a very good idea to comment anonymously. If you'd like to discuss consent and boundaries feel free to hit me up. (Notice here how Julio violates my consent and laughs about doing it anyway)

  7. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, attacking Dezeray's character over want for protection of identity. How many of you have put yourselves in situations where you have the potential to be doxxed and stalked? You pop your heads up in comment threads, but Dez is doing the work where it matters. And that should be respected, as well as the wants of anyone doing such brave work. Your comments are just as asinine as your anonymous cowardice, and Julio should apologize for his arrogant behavior.

  8. I am sorry I can't use my name and have to comment like this. I am not here to bash this woman because I don't her. But I am puzzled at why you would schedule an event at a empty office building and not welcome the press with open arms. What do they hope to accomplish? I searched her name and her face is already all over the internet. Was there other media there, were they also told to leave?

    1. You... can't use your name? Why? Worried about privacy? You don't consent to your name being on here? That option was taken away from me. Look up hypocrisy in the dictionary before you start googling and critiquing me. And Julio has now been exposed for the consent violating, protest chasing, opportunist and bully he truly is.

  9. Agreed, Julio's blog is no more than a tool for him to bully people. God only knows of the pictures he has of us all us that he keeps in his private collection. This guy is a creep that walks around taking pictures of people without their knowledge. CREEP!

  10. A public protest is meant to be seen.
    I can't understand this at all. You're attacking the wrong person for the doxing. Julio didn't dox you. He didn't make you go in public and protest. He took pictures in a public space. This is gaslighting at its finest.

  11. Ms. King she is know for that.

  12. Is she the leader of this group? Maybe she should give that role to someone else who wants to move the cause forward instead of holding it back.
