Florida GOP

Friday, July 19, 2019

Bernie Supporters for Civility!

Hello friends!

In order to best impress upon the people that Bernie’s campaign is the way to go, we need to collectively chill, to a degree. Be bold and assertive in policy positions. Do not attack other surrogates, and when others attack us, we need to find a middle ground between holding our own and refraining from returning the negativity. It can be tough. Too much vitriol can ruin our message. I do not want that, and neither does my Senator, Bernie Sanders. To help him win, let’s take a careful, genuine approach to dealing with angry anti-Bernie people. Maybe ask them to mellow their hello, and in return, do the same. We cannot get through to people by returning the rage with more rage. It’ll cement bad feelings and hurt the Sanders campaign. If people won’t return kindness, do not bother to push it too far; just leave the conversation and state your “agreement to disagree.”

Defending other candidates from unnecessary negativity can and should be an objective for us to pursue. This should occur even if we do not agree with that candidate, or the surrogate feeling heat. It will help in the long run to promote civility among Democrats. Shouting matches will not get us far.

Would you share a time when you were politically triggered to respond negatively, and powered through for the greater good to respond with kindness? Perhaps as an example to exemplify the message in this article?

Stay groovy,

— Asher

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