Florida GOP

Friday, August 9, 2019

Asher’s August Ranked Vote!

Hello friends! I meant to have this up earlier, though life in Vermont keeps me relatively busy! Even if our preferred candidates do not win, we need to beat Trump. I am a proud Tampa Berner, and Bennington Berner, thus my appreciation for other 2020 candidates does not detract from or override my enthusiastic support for Bernie Sanders for President! Reminder, this list accounts for the most recent debate performance, platform, character, and electability. I am also adding a seventh slot.

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Elizabeth Warren
3. Tulsi Gabbard
4. Kamala Harris
5. Andrew Yang
6. Pete Buttigieg
7. Julian Castro

Who are YOUR top 7 candidate favorites? List them and feel free to provide your reasons. Please be civil toward fellow Democrats, and non Democrats (unless they are elected shills).

— Asher

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